By Ajay Rajak

It is almost impossible to talk about anything without imagination or thought. It is the cognitive process that gets sharper by experience and training to express anything as it is, in the ideal case it may be impossible to get what a thing is out of our perception, but whatever it is, definitely have something to do with our logical and cognitive engagement, mathematics and science are the proven ones. One can criticize these subjects i.e mathematics and science for deductive in theory and inductive in practice.
I will talk about the best and proven way to impart knowledge, but during the process to learn this technique, it is important to keep in mind that the impart of subject knowledge in this century through online mode is the only result of these inductive or deductive reasoning and technological practice. The first and last purpose of online teaching and learning is to exchange knowledge, yes, I said exchange knowledge, and I would like to confirm my words again “exchange knowledge”. This might be biased to consider it a one-way process because in online interaction tutor has to learn more than the student so that he can deliver efficient and valuable teaching.

A tutor should consider it as a new world of digital mind and body. Tutor’s equipment is the body and tutor himself is the mind. Well definitely you will like to know about the student role in this new digital world, a student is the extension of tutor’s mind that needs to learn something from the tutors perspective. That extensive mind has some struggling issues that need to first observed by the developed enlighten one so that he/she can figure out the element from which he/she is struggling with, once the element gets in your right observation you can then eradicate it gradually until it does not make a concrete move towards your perspective.
Most liberal parents can doubt me for not letting students develop his/her perspective, obviously, from one instance it can look like determined but, don’t forget that inductive and deductive knowledge has its boundary within itself and all expression around the world is in it, whatever we have is borrowed creatively, to take steps towards this creative way one have to cross from the passage of borrowing and at a later stage in quest of own expression the extended mind gets his/her self perspective. The best tutor should practice the same to deliver efficient online teaching to his/her extended mind.

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