Dimension of knowledge

Dimension of knowledge

Epistemological attempts to determine the boundaries of knowledge is still wobbling in vague. It's vague, not due to its basic questions about knowledge, but, the inherent questions of substance in the mind of the questioner or better say seeker of knowing knowledge as a substance. It's not important to criticize the seeker or questioner for its posteriori of knowledge as knowledge itself since it involves the teleological mind that does not permit existence to express something as a priori knowledge, so the natural question arises what is then knowledge?

Knowledge as Substance

What is knowledge?

In a simple definition, Knowledge is the state of pure observation where mental faculties lost his features of experience as an individual apparatus to observe external or unknown as it is.

Let me explain the words involved in the definition of observable clarity.

Mental faculties: the thoughts that exist due to past or future imagination.

As an Individual apparatus: when thoughts or cognitive involvement trying to experience past experiences that is not the perception of the object but, of seeker or questioner own. 

Don’t confuse with the non-association with being one to know unknown or external. Being one is a different path where the question of knowledge have no space to understand the meaning of knowledge we have to understate the pure state of observation.

State of observation: the absence of mental features but, not due to absence as such but, absence due to lack of individual apparatus.

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