STEPS TO LEARN MATHEMATICS: for beginners to experts

 “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” -Albert Einstein

Mathematics is the subject of logic and reason, we can't escape the reality around us and in that situation, it becomes compulsory to get the best possible explanation for them to satisfy our curiosity and Mathematics plays a pivotal role in getting that explanation. Maybe you are here for the reason for getting good marks or to get an effective way to learn Mathematics. I am explaining the best five effective ways to learn Mathematics.

(1)DO NOT SKIP YOUR DOUBTS: It is essential to understand the importance of the basics of the topic you started, Let's take an example from my teaching experience, most of the time students do not focus on how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers and even having doubts they confirm the understanding of the concept. But, due to that choice psychological skip students face trouble in new questions and start developing frustration towards the topic. This doubt skipping attitude can be in higher grade/college students to some extent which may disinterest him/her too after a few questions of exercises. So, do not skip doubts.  

 (2) PRACTICE IS THE KEY: Most learners get the concept easily, getting understanding and concept brings confidence but, the thing is that if you will not practice different varieties of question you will be lost it after a while since your mind do not have experience of its implications with problem-solving, its natural mind does not keep those learnings which do not have any experience of solving some of your troubles and complexities in life. 

(3)GOAL ORIENTED: This simply means that you should not indulge in uncertain boundaries of nowhere, decide a syllabus and discipline which you want to learn within a certain period of time and stick to that as much as possible, don't forget your goal till the last topic of your syllabus. 

(4)REVISION OF LEARNINGS: It's not that easy to keep everything in mind without being in touch with learned concepts for a long time, but, that does not make you uncompetitive or ineligible for being a mathematics learner. Our logical experiences with mathematical skills can be easily recalled if the student keeps it revising for a certain period.

(5)HELP OTHER LEARNERS: This is the last and the most effective way to enhance your learning. When we help other students to solve mathematical problems we do not only help him but, help self too, during helping other to get solution or concept you will revise it in a different way than revising as self since in that situation you would not only use your knowledge but experience too to find a better expression to help.

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