Sources of Energy

Energy is the ability to perform actions or work . Energy is available in different forms and sources. The most convenient form of energy is electrical energy for our daily use. Energy sources are the term used for the sources which are economically and efficiently accessible stored form of energy in nature such as coal , petroleum These sources can be classified into two groups: renewable and nonrenewable.
Renewable Energy Sources:
Energy sources that can be replenished over and over again; they are never depleted. Some examples include solar, wind, tidal, geothermal energy from inside the earth, biomass from plants, and nuclear fusion.
These types of energy sources are usually converted into electricity or thermal energy.
Nonrenewable Energy Sources:
Energy sources that we are using up and cannot produce in a short period of time. Some examples include fossil fuels (Petroleum Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal) and Nuclear Fission.
Another nonrenewable energy source is the element uranium, whose atoms we split (through a process called nuclear fission) to create heat, and then in electricity.

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