Topics Covered In The Course of Pre-Calculus

    •  Equations and Inequalities
    • Functions and Graphs
      • Functions
      • Graphs of Functions
      • Parent Functions
      • Transformation of Functions
      • Composite and Inverse Functions 
    • Polynomial Functions
      • Quadratic Functions
      • Higher Order Polynomial Functions
      • Division of Polynomials
      • Zeros of Polynomials
      • Applications 
    • Rational Functions
      • Rational Functions and Asymptotes
      • Graphs of Rational Functions 
    • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
      • Exponential Functions and Graphs
      • Logarithmic Functions and Graphs
      • Properties of Logarithms
      • Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Applications 
      • Degree and Radian Measures
      • Definitions of the Trigonometric Functions
      • Standard Trigonometric Identities (Recognition, Use, and Proof)
      • Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
      • Inverse Trigonometric Functions
      • Law of Sines
      • Law of Cosines
      • Heron’s Area Formula
      • Applications of Trigonometry to Real-Life Problems 
    • Systems of Equations and Matrices
      • Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations
      • Two Variable Linear Systems
      • Multivariable Linear Systems
      • Applications of Systems to Real-Life Problems

    • Sequences and Series
      • Sequence and Series Notation
      • Factorials
      • Summations
      • Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
      • Infinite Sums